Is working HARDER, the solution?...
To many trial and error methods are been adopted by the Human Resource professional to cope up the rising problems in meeting the requirements of the end users in terms of Cost effectiveness, timely delivery, etc. specially in manufacturing units in this time of competition and in larger aspect of recession. Output optimization at at lower cost of input is the criteria where Human Resource(HR) Departments are banking on. One of the aspect, HR Departments are working on is HARDER working by way of multiple responsibility, extended work time, cutting down Leave & Off days and cutting down manpower. But I still feel, in spite of better result for the moment(short term), there are numerous threats in the long run. Yes, to an extent, working harder is utmost important but if you ask for more an more harder than there will be lots of problems awaiting! Why I say so is summed up in two aspects, viz., In individual Level and Organizational Level. In Individual level, working harder beyond ...