
Showing posts from November, 2010

How To Use Your Time Effectively?

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel overwhelmed and question your efficiency? Well, it’s about time what I am talking about and the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Managing Time effectively is a challenge to everyone from housewives to professionals. Many a time we feel that we could have done this way and that way… But we end up feeling short of time every time. In spite of advanced tools to communicate and modes to improve our time, we take it for granted and end up having too little time for ourselves. So many of us from time to time reflect on how little time we have. Our life seems to consist of running from meeting to meeting, taking care of urgent issues, answering a never ending flood of emails, answering phone calls and sms’s, attending teleconferences, reading various documents, etc. Here are few tips on how to address it: Start making To Do, or not To Do List . “To Do” list is a simple yet powerful tool. It allows us to see what ...

Internet & Website for Business - Fact Sheet

Remember, the web is not just a marketing tool - it's a business tool as well. While it is perfectly okay to have an Internet billboard that simply contains contact information, why settle for that when your site can do so much more? Even the smallest local business can utilize the power of the Internet to be more efficient and to build revenue. Once you start thinking about it, it's easy to get excited about the potential for your site. Why does my business need to be on the Internet? You can reach an enormous audience. Current estimates are at about anywhere from 30 to 50 million users worldwide! Your competitors are there. It is an opportunity to compete on an equal footing with large corporations and/or businesses. It can save your money in employee and sales force time, and can allow you to be more productive. What can I do with a web site? You can describe your product and/or service. You can show images of your produ...