How To Use Your Time Effectively?
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel overwhelmed and question your efficiency? Well, it’s about time what I am talking about and the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Managing Time effectively is a challenge to everyone from housewives to professionals. Many a time we feel that we could have done this way and that way… But we end up feeling short of time every time. In spite of advanced tools to communicate and modes to improve our time, we take it for granted and end up having too little time for ourselves.
So many of us from time to time reflect on how little time we have. Our life seems to consist of running from meeting to meeting, taking care of urgent issues, answering a never ending flood of emails, answering phone calls and sms’s, attending teleconferences, reading various documents, etc.
Here are few tips on how to address it:
- Start making To Do, or not To Do List. “To Do” list is a simple yet powerful tool. It allows us to see what needs to be done, prioritize tasks and see if you are making progress.
- Start Prioritizing. Not everything that we do can be equally urgent, so prioritize.
- Develop people by allowing them to step up and take some of our responsibility. It will allow them to get a better understanding of the business. They may also come up with good ideas on how to make things better.
- Delegate effectively. Learn how to delegate effectively. Trust your people to step up to the challenge.
- Reduce Time. It is not really necessary every meeting to last for at least 1 hour! Try to reduce meeting times. Even if we can save 15 minutes that makes a big difference. In this case I mean time taken for doing something/anything should be reduced by involving quality time.
- Respect Time. Respect other people’s time and expect the same from others. This will help one to reduce unwanted and unscheduled time consumption.
- Preparedness is one thing that we need to develop in ourselves before doing anything. This will make one to focus and know exactly what you want to do or achieve.
During our day book we should keep a little time for “thinking”. If we constantly run like a headless crook and have no time for reflection nothing will ever change.
Time is precious; make sure that we use our time effectively.